We supply, set up and service products and solutions for climate and water management in horticulture.

Valves for all purposes in greenhouses and nurseries
- Should you drain quickly or slowly?
- Do your plants require lots of water?
- Or just a little bit of water?
No matter what type of irrigation you need to carry out – or wether the amount of water is large or small – we have the solution.
You can order valves for all purposes, adapted to your requirements – and we ship daily.
At Danvan, we have patented valves, which we develop ourselves.
Maybe you know them by the brand GVI?
It’s the same valves, but today they are marked Danvan.
No matter what, the quality is still the same.
As the only company in the world, we make Quick Valves for quick irrigation – read more about our Quick-Valve HERE.
If you have doubts about which valve is best for your needs, or needs further counseling, please contact us by phone: +45 65 92 56 00 or mail: danvan@danvan.dk