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Experts in climate control

We supply, set up and service products and solutions for climate and water management in horticulture.

Danish-produced quality
We produce ourselves in Denmark and have innovative employees who think outside the box for your horticulture.
Full service provider of gardeners
In conjunction with your requirements, we can be your total partner in innovative solutions for climate and water management.
Development and feedback
Can we do it a little differently, a little better? It is the basic idea of our everyday life.

Danvan Security Fire Warning

There is a fire! But nobody knows…

Avoid the nightmare

It must be a farmers worst nightmare – to discover a fire way too late…
With a Security Fire warning system from Danvan, you can avoid this scenario – or at least hopefully reduce the damage, due to a faster reaction and action.

How does it work?

The system works according to the aspiration principle.
It means, that it has a continuous intake of air from the greenhouses, and will leave a message about where it is burning; which department, which house, etc.

The message will go directly to where you want it to go, for example:

  • Directly to the alarm central
  • To a mobile phone
  • To an email
  • Or wherever you want

​Specially manufactured

The Security fire warning system from Danvan is special made for the aggressive environment in greenhouses and horticultures.
It is build with several different filters into the front of the smoke detector, and of course always centrally located in each house.​

If you have a climate computer, it is possible to program it, so that the doors and windows will either open or close, or your watersystem will start.

More information

Read more about Climate control HERE.

If you need more information about the fire warning system, please contact us by either phone: +45 65 92 56 00 or email:

Danvan Brandvarsling


Customer Testimonials

“Speeds up the mixing time”
Firstly I would say thanks very much with your introduce of Micro Mixing 100 and your great technical support…
Steven, Grow Green Farming
“Minimum on manual labour”
I’m happy with your Micro Mixer 200 with 2 recipe program compared with my previous mechanical dosing system.
Luiz Khor, Vegelife Cameron Highlands
“Improving my plants quality”
Thanks for your introduce of Micro 200 Fertilizer mixer, with this machine it help me shorten the fertilizer mixing time.
Rampai Interlek, Gallon
“Thanks to the people at Danvan”
After one cycle of crops we notice this Micro Mixer bring us a good result on agricultural.

65 92 56 00

Danvan A/S      Cikorievej 4, DK-5220 Odense SØ      +45 6592 5600      CVR: 20105933