We supply, set up and service products and solutions for climate and water management in horticulture.

Indoor Farming
Indoor farming is farming done inside of a building.
Although, it’s not always alike, since indoor farming can take a lot of differents forms:
Single layer – where you don’t take advantage of the possible space available.
Multiple layers – either vertically or horizontally.

The benefits of Indoor Farming
No matter what, you’ll see al lot more indoor farming within the next couple of years, because of all the benefits.
Just to mention a few:
⇒ You don’t need a lot of large equipments (ex. tractors etc.), besides maybe robots.
⇒ You use less water than growing outdoors (minimum 90% less).
Both because of the possibility of re-using the water, and the water does not evaporate as easily.
⇒ There are less transport, and therefor also less time in transit = more fresh food.
⇒ The possibility of growing on fewer square meters.
Indoor Farming as Vertical Farming
In terms of space, it’s possible to farm on smaller areas than with outdoor farming.
But that requires a different way of thinking – which among other things, is possible with Vertical Farming.
As the name suggests, it’s about using the height instead of the size of the area.
In this way, you can grow many plants, almost regardless of the size of the building.
Learn more about Vertical Farming HERE.
Take a look at below video, that shows an example on how a vertical indoor farming can look like.
Of course, it can be adapted to your needs and wishes.
Total control
Ordinary outdoor farming normally takes place outside in large areas and fieds. Often far away from the civilization.
Indoor Farming gives you the possibility to grow in the middle of a city.
It also gives you the possibility to grow food, that normally only grow in specific areas.
When you use indoor farming it’s never to hot, to cold or to windy – it’s exactly like you program it, which gives you total control.
When you control the climate, the light etc., the plants will have the best condition to grow stronger, more healthy and more protected from bacterias, pesticides etc.
Easy to farm indoors
Types of plants, that are easy to grow in indoor farming:
- Microgreens and sprouts
- Tomatoes
- Lettuce
- Herbs
- Strawberries
- Cucumbers
- Peppers
- Mushrooms
- Spinach
- Eggplants
- Etc.
If you want to hear more about Indoor Farming, please contact us by phone: +45 65 92 56 00 or mail: danvan@danvan.dk